Sjoe... We hardly launched our new look and brand before going into lockdown! So most of you didn't have the chance to come and see what's different in our showroom and find out the rationale for our makeover, and the transformation from Darkie Designs to Kuku!
Like everyone, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit us hard. We postponed our trip to Morocco at the 11th hour (thank goodness) and hopefully will be re-scheduling as soon as things get back to "normal" (whatever the new "normal" is after this is all over). And we've closed things down, physically, at least.
But sitting at home doesn't mean that Bianca and Jana aren't being productive, or that we can't show you what's new and why Kuku is going to take everything we achieved with Darkie Designs to a whole new level of "wow"! We're committed to taking as much as we can into the digital realm for the time being, inspiring you with visions of gorgeousness and beauty to help keep you sane while you stay safe at home...
Like us busy bees, this is probably the most time you've spent at home in a VERY long time! You're most likely re-familiarising yourself with your own space and finding out first hand what works and what doesn't! Perhaps, like us, you're looking around and finding ways to improve what bugs you, and making mental lists of things you want to change when we're past this challenging time. So let's give you some inspiration and guidance, where we can, courtesy of Kuku!
We've just been through the whole "change everything you can" scenario in our Hoedspruit showroom, so take it from us, we know what you're going through! First off, we moved our office area upstairs to the mezzanine level, freeing up the area that used to be where Bianca and Jana had their desks which has now become a moodroom. This is where all of our fabric swatches are, where we have our moodboard and where we hold consultations with our clients now, surrounded by things to inspire and influence their décor decisions.
We've changed wall colours to warm terracotta and positioned a large table to lay swatches out on, enabling us to spend time with our clients, bouncing ideas around and helping them to make the right choices in terms of overhauling their living or work spaces.
We've also created lots of design vignettes throughout the showroom, showing you how pieces work together and how you can group items to show them off beautifully. It's all part of how we hope to inspire you, through being inspired ourselves.
So draw up a "to do" list of things you know you can change easily in your home - soft furnishings, scatter cushions, re-upholstery of old, tired couches and chairs, new blinds at the windows, a fresh coat of paint on an accent wall... And send it to us and we'll bounce some ideas around with you. We're happy to have virtual consultations with you where we can! Or wait till lockdown is over and make an appointment to come and chat to us about your makeover plans.
With many of us working from home at the moment, looking at what space we have for working at home and how we can improve this is probably quite "the thing" at the moment! We've already posted some nice ideas on how to create a calm, serene work environment at home and will continue to do so. The most important thing is to be comfortable while you work, especially if you are a slave to a computer, so make sure you have a good chair to sit on, and are at the right height to the desk your computer sits on. If you have a laptop, find a nice place - maybe outside, in the fresh air - where you can sit comfortably and be productive.
If you don't have the budget to do a makeover, don't panic... We can help you re-stage your home using what you already have. Sometimes, moving the furniture can make a HUGE difference to your living space... Or paring things down to a more minimalist look... There are always ways to make things more functional and more pleasing to the eye!
So keep chatting to us here at Kuku. And we'll help where we can. In the meantime, stay safe and strong!